I have spent few days living in a room with a view on czech atomic power plant called Temelín.
I have digitaly reconstructed unreacheable interiors of an existing atomic powerplant, just to make a fluorescent tube to fall down.
I did twelve fist fights wearing yellow hazard suit with a friend of mine in the fields in front of the cooling towers. I have waited till the night, when the public ligtning in nearby village shuts off.
In the power plant it never shuts off. I have borrowed an uranium stone to see how it effects the atoms passing trough the matter in a fog chamber. I made digital bucket to fly and a propellor to move just by moving a hand behind the glass.
I have been crossing road wearing a yellow hazard suit in front of the passing vehicles. I have found out that the neon sign carrying the name of the powerplant has malfunctioning letter. It was flickering in the night.
I have documented all the places of worship with a view on the power plant. After all this, I have raised zero security alarms.